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prayerPrayer is a two-way conversation with God: It's how we get to know Him better and it's key to everything that happens at New Life. There are lots of opportunities to pray together and also to be prayed for.


How can we pray for you? If you would like prayer, please fill in this form

Prayer Ministry Team:
A trained team is available every Sunday morning to pray with anyone who would like to seek the Lord in prayer - as a response to the Lord, for personal requests and needs, or simply to say thank you or come for a blessing from the Lord. Come and find us in the prayer space at the front of the church, by the banner that says 'prayer'


Pastoral Care Prayer: 
Is there something going on in your life for which you would value prayer? If so, there’s a small pastoral care prayer team, who are ready to pray for any concerns you have and committed to praying in strictest confidence. If you’d like prayer, please fill in the form above, or email us and your request will be passed on to the team.

Prayer & Fasting: 
Twice a year in January and September, we set aside time as a church to seek the Lord as individuals and as a church, when we follow a reading guide together and gather at various times during the week.


Private Prayer Space:
There is an area at the front of the main sanctuary on the right by the 'Prayer' banner, which is set aside for personal prayer. Please feel free to come and use this at any time of the week.

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

 What happens on a Sunday? Where do I go? What about my children? What can I expect in a service?


Our Sunday worship service is at 10:30am, finishing around 12 noon.


Morning worship services take place in the main hall.


Pre-school: go to the Basement, a cafe-style room downstairs which is accessed through the door to the left of the stage in the main hall. You are welcome to leave your child with the team on duty or stay with them during the session.
School years Reception-6: go upstairs to the upper hall which is accessed from the back of the balcony,
or going up the stairs through the doors either side of the foyer.

For more information visit our children's page.



Youth Pink
Ages 11-14: meet during the service in the youth room on the top floor, it will be announced from the front when it is time for them to leave to attend their group. Accessed from the back of the balcony, or going up the stairs through the doors either side of the foyer, then through the upper hall, follow the steps and into the youth room.
Ages 15-18: meet before the service for a breakfast club to have a chat with that mornings speaker
at 9:45am, this is also in the youth room, accessed as mentioned above.

For more information visit our youth page.


Our services are informal- feel free to sit, stand, observe or join in!
Our sung worship is band led, contemporary in style, and there will be a time for prayer, testimonies, hearing teaching from the Bible as well as communion twice a month.
There is also opportunities for prayer ministry at the end of the service. 


The main entrance to our building has a ramp, we have a hearing aid loop in the foyer and main hall, most Sunday's include some makaton friendly worship and there is a disabled toilet located in the foyer.  

We will do everything we can to help with access to other areas of our building. For further information, please contact the church office.

Welcome to New Life Baptist Church

If you've just started coming along to New Life Baptist Church, Click Here to give us your details, so that new can send you a letter or email with a little more information about the church.

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